A whole new fairytale.......by yours truly!

A whole new fairytale.......by yours truly!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

TINYslut turns eighteen :)

Another foong sister is legal to drink............Oh noooooooooooo......daddy fears the worst and mummy gives up!!!!!!
So mandy took her out to ecoba on her 18th bday and had a cosmo (ONLY)
Where was I? Ahhhhh............a mystery! Which could very be a blessin' in disguise :) hahahaha....
Baby's all grown up and all ready to leave us..........American cheerleading Associations should NOT steal little sisters away!!!!!! Fly away UCLA!!!!!!!

I had babysittin' duties for an entire day!!!! Not that im complainin! I love my home :)

She's a mini ME no doubt bout that!